Thursday, July 19, 2007

Use Global Resorts Network for Golf Vacations

Did you know that "golf vacation" is one of the most popular search terms online? It just makes good sense. Why pay $150 a day to golf (that's what it is in the Washington, DC area) when you can get a whole week of luxury accomodations AND golf for only $298 to $699 for the whole week and for the whole family?

Here's how to investigate our golf vacation opportunities:
  1. Go to, and click the "Browse..." link in the lower right corner.
  2. Enter login: resort, password: lookfor
  3. Choose a country, and type in the search term golf resort
Now remember, this is just a partial list of the GRN inventory, but I found 15 really nice golf resorts in the US alone.

My newest distributor, Robert Branscomb, is in the golf vacation and sports promotion business, and he gave me this excellent slant on the GRN package. Check out his website at, and give him a call if you'd like.


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