Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Busy Home Based Business Opportunity Season Is Here

Every veteran online marketer I know tells me that December kicks of the home based business season, usually with a big spike in activity on December 26. I've seen with my own eyes that this is true, as December has been quite a month for our team, and it's just the gear up for the big push that lasts into the Spring. If you're on the fence, don't wait any longer. Join Global Resorts Network today and take advantage of the annual rush!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New GRN Distributor from Sunny SA

One of my new affiliates, Michael Klerck, had been enjoying luxury resorts for quite a while before joining GRN. He lives in sunny Cape Town, South Africa, and as you will see from his videos, he really plans on making the most of our luxury resort membership. Since he has quite an assortment of video footage, he's making a series of online videos to promote GRN. Feel free to give him a call on his Skype phone. You can get the number from his website, Welcome aboard, Michael!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Internet Infomercials

The internet infomercial website I mentioned a few months ago has improved their service quite a bit. You can now publish a single online video to social bookmarking sites and make podcasts as well. Check it out:

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Home Based Franchise Opportunity

Starting a home based franchise is an excellent idea, and I want to get you off to a fast start. This blog post includes full details on the home based travel business involved, as well as the steps necessary for getting your website and/or phone number on television!

Bookmark this blog post, read through everything first, and then come back to click on the links. This post is really not long at all. I just want you to get as much as you can out of these steps. You can develop these steps into a complete business plan if you would like and improve them wherever you see fit. I'll even show you how to get low cost funding for this project at the end of this post.

Step 1:

Find out about about the advantages of our discount travel and luxury resort membership at Get on our next conference call to find how we operate, and afterwards give me a call with any additional questions. Once you decide to join the business, you can get a website just like this with your own domain. Choose a domain that is easy to remember and catchy. For example, I also own the domain to let people know exactly what my website is for.

When you join the business you will also receive a corporate website, which looks like this: I use this site for product specific advertising. Again, choose a domain that is catchy and easy to remember.

Step 2:

Become familiar with the stock footage (or available videos) at These folks have excellent television quality footage related to travel, which you can use for the business opportunity, product sales, or both. You should also become familiar with the time slots available in your area, and the channels that you would like to target. The obvious favorite is the Travel Channel.

Once you join the business and narrow down your video search, send the video and your proposed narrative to GRN support for their OK. They are very fast in responding, because they want you to sell a gazillion memberships.

Step 3:

Get a high quality voice mail system. Your television spot is going to tell potential customers to visit your website or to pick up the phone and call you. And guess what? That's what they'll do! For that reason it is always best to direct customers to your website vs. your phone number. Why? Because you want them to know as much as possible before they call you. Additionally, your phone number is going to be on your website, so folks that really want to speak with you will pick up the phone and call.

When potential customers call in, you want your outgoing voice mail message to briefly explain the payment options, and to offer them more information by visiting your website. At the beginning and end of the message, make sure that you state that they can leave a detailed voice mail message for you, and that you will call them back. For example, my opening line is "Before you leave a message, here is a little information that may be useful for you".

You can listen to my full outgoing message (it's really pretty simple) by calling the number at either of my websites.

To kick it up a notch, go to Google and do a search on 'virtual receptionist' and buy one. This technology rocks!

If you have a call center or professional sales team, then of course, this kind of voice mail setup may not be necessary.

Step 4:

Follow up with your prospects, and ask them for the sale. Not everyone will buy on their very first exposure to our travel membership, so here's a little help. If you are using a website like mine at, the system will automatically send professionally written and formatted email responses to people that request more information from your site. This is a very powerful and time saving feature. Right now this site only features the business opportunity, but will soon have a very similar presentation that is product specific.

Step 5:

Fund your business from your existing assets or use I really like this group. They are the ebay of personal lending. Click on person to person lending to read my blog post regarding their community.


Our timeshare alternative really is gaining a lot of traction in the travel industry. Timeshare sales professionals that join the business always say the same thing: "It seems to good to be true." But they soon find out that it really is true.

The best way to get the most out of this business is to book a vacation for yourself. Why? Because once you stay at a luxury resort for only $298 per week, you're bound to tell people about it. You know how travelers love talking about booking vacations and the expenses involved, and you will have the best story ever. Why not get started today?

Antony Mosley

Monday, November 12, 2007

GRN Fast Start Instructions Update

I've updated the Fast Start instructions for recruiting top sales professionals. Take a look: Getting Started with GRN

Friday, November 2, 2007

Person to Person Lending

Check out this NPR radio story on person to person lending:

You can click a link there to listen to the story as well.

This is great news for GRN Distributors, as you can now offer potential customers an additional means to fund their product purchase or business startup costs, or both!

I've just added a little banner to on the right. They have an affiliate program as well for a limited time.

This is great news!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Vacation in Hawaii!! - GRN Affiliate Update

Here's an excellent GRN comparison. $799 for 8 days and 7 nights, while Travelocity, Orbitz and so forth (did you know these online companies were owned by timeshare organizations?) are charging $2,300 for the exact same week!

Global Resorts Network Affiliate Updates

Alii Kai Resort - Princeville, Hawaii

The beautiful Alii Kai timeshare resort property is exactly what every vacation is meant to be. Situated on a bluff, overlooking the tropical splendor of the Pacific and surrounding Kaui landscape, experience the spirit of this beautiful island.

Whether enjoying a romantic sunset on the balcony, relaxing at the pool, or partaking in any of the fantastic activities the island has to offer, this is a vacation you'll remember for a lifetime.

Located in the acclaimed Princeville community, the resort is close to golf courses, tennis courts, the beach, and an assortment of excellent shops, restaurants, and night spots.

Choose a swim in the Pacific Ocean, or float the day away at the resort's outdoor pool.

Sightseeing attractions are everywhere. From the Princeville Shopping Plaza, to the world-class restaurants, to the local novelty shops, this vacation will have something for everyone.

Right now the membership is showcasing a two-bedroom peak season holiday week that is unavailable through all the major travel providers.

Booking direct is over $300 per night totaling $2,308.12. (8 days & 7 nights)

Your special membership price is only $799.00. That's a minimum savings of over $1500.00 for just this one week.

This type of VIP access and savings is available exclusively to our members.

Enjoy Life!
22601 N. 17th Ave. Suite 230
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Please Note: GRN comparisons are for informational purposes only and are subject to availability. We strive to make sure availability and prices in our comparisons are accurate at the time of our sending the comparison but cannot guarantee it will still be available when you receive or read this email. If you are interested in booking this resort, you should act quickly as the resorts featured in our email comparisons can sell out quickly.

Friday, October 19, 2007

How to Become a Sales Superstar

I really get a lot of use out of these Brian Tracy CDs. They have really turned my driving time into a 'mini university' time. Here's one of his low priced offers, plus a freebie!

24 Techniques To Closing the Sale

21 Great Ways to Become a Sales Superstar


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Considering an Online Business?

Employment is a topic that arises constantly in our world. Maybe you're seeking it, or maybe you're enjoying the position you have. Either way, jobs and careers are an essential part of life as we know it. Therefore if we ever lose the one we have, we're typically hustling to grab hold of another one. After all, bills have to be paid and mouths have to be fed.

On a positive note, current times are not so dismal when it comes to employment. In this day and age we all relish options galore. No one is forced to work for a large corporation or "the man" if they prefer not to.

In reality you can start you very own business online if you have the motivation. All you really need to get started is a computer, Internet access and an idea.

Many individuals are making the switch from big companies to private online business opportunities. With cyberspace at your constant beck and call 24/7, it's realistic to assume you can make a decent income from the privacy of your own home.

The fact of the matter is people do it every day. However, it's up to you to decide if an independent business online is the right solution for you. Let me fill you in on a few perks that are commonly enjoyed.

First of all, those who start their own business, whether online or in their home town, generally make more of a profit. This is due to the fact that they're now at the top of the chain. Money is not passed down to them by a higher authority. They make what their business allows them to. Once taxes are extracted, they're left with a higher percentage.

A second bonus of having your own business online is setting your own hours and work load. You soon realize how much you need to work and what deadlines you must meet. This is a wonderful advantage once you get the hang of things.

If you're considering a personal business online, then don't allow anything to stand in your way. You can make an at-home business work if you put fourth the proper time and effort.

It's crucial to remember that once your individual business online is booming, you can never be fired. You are the boss and you decide what's what. That factor alone will keep you motivated and steer you clear of working for "the man" ever again. Find success with your own business, such as a home based travel business. Let the Internet contribute to your dreams and aspirations.

About the Author: You may re-distribute this article as long as this ‘About the Author’ section is left intact. Antony Mosley is a distributor with the Global Resorts Network, an online deep discount luxury resort membership that doubles as a big ticket home based business or sales opportunity. See for more information.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Timeshare Alternative

Don't forget that you can showcase our timeshare alternative by giving users the login and password to our registry.

Login: vacation
Password: lookfor

This is the same website linked from your GRN corporate site. Corporate tells me that this site is updated in real time, but it will never have the full GRN inventory. Even the membership site doesn't list the full inventory, and that's a very good problem to have. We have substantially more available properties and weeks than the advertised 5,000, but corporate has decided to take the modest approach.

You should also make use of our demo membership site. Give this domain and login to as many prospects as possible:

Login: resort
Password: movie

And last, but not least, invite potential clients to our next online seminar, or webinar. Your customers can sign up here: These webinars are normally held at 9 p.m. EST on most week nights.


GRN Call Schedule

Click on the Call Schedule image to enlarge it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

SEO Advice Update

As of today I'm back at the number one spot on for the search term "home based travel business". Type it in to see where I am now.

For a while my number one spot went to number.... well.. I really don't know where it went in Yahoo's search results, because I couldn't find it!

This is really the result of something I already knew: Craigslist and ebay ads are temporary, so any resulting search engine optimization will be temporary.

There are two solutions:
  1. Keep renewing your ebay and Craigslist ads
  2. Establish permanent links with high ranking websites.
More on Solution 2 later.

GRN, Your Timeshare Alternative

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another SEO Update

I purchased another domain, this time based on the search term "luxury resorts". The domain is I then purchased a classified ad on ebay, and ran another free ad on craigslist as outlined in my previous post. Stay posted for my results.

Really Quick Internet Marketing SEO Training

So you're ready to start selling on the internet, and you're wondering where to start. There is more than enough information on internet marketing online and off line, so I decided to make this a very short read. No fluff, just information. Reading this short article may be the most significant investment you've made for your online business.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. You want the search engines, like Google and Yahoo! to list your website, so you have to make your website friendly, or optimize it, for the search engines.

Get Linked

If you click around Google for instructions on getting your website listed in their search engine, you will find that Google wants you to have links from other websites to yours. That's the way they like to find out about websites. All of the search engines work the same way. Even brand new websites that have links from very influential and established websites will get listed in the search engines very fast.

"Who Will Give Me a Link?"

So you have a great new website and you're wondering how to get links from other influential and established websites. That's pretty easy. and are among the worlds most influential and established websites. A link from ebay is cheap, and a link from Craigslist is usually free. Before you do either, you should create a press release at These are also free or cheap, and produce a lot of fire power when it comes to links.

"How Can I do That?"

If you don't know how to write an ebay or Craigslist ad, it's very easy to learn at either website. will also show you how to write a simple yet highly effective press release. Assuming you do know how to place ads, here is what I did to get a top listing on Yahoo!

  1. I purchased a domain based on a popular search term, "home based travel business". Just use to figure out what terms people are searching for on Yahoo! The domain I chose was I then used this domain for my Global Resorts Network website.

  2. Then I wrote a press release and published it with For a little extra, PRWeb will let you create links in your press release. If you are good at writing simple and pointed paragraphs, this shouldn't take more than an hour. However, don't worry if it takes you a whole afternoon. If that's what it takes to get your creative juices going, then that's fine. Publish the press release as soon as it's finished.

  3. Next, I bought a classified ad on ebay. You really only need to spend $9.95 per month for a classified ad, but I purchased a few marketing options from ebay to give my ad a little more exposure to ebay customers. As far as the search engines go, I really doubt that the $9.95 or enhanced marketing options on ebay make a difference. All the search engines care about are links from established websites. Click the link to see my ebay ad. As you can see from the ebay ad, the words "home based travel business" are linked to the website I'm promoting.

NOTE: Here is the winning formula: the words linking to your domain should be related if not exactly the same as your domain.

  1. The next day, my ebay ad appeared on the first page of search results on Google for the term "home based travel business." This was very, very good. I then copied the ad and placed it on Craigslist under the Small Business section. However, this was not a good idea, because now my ebay ad moved to page 2 of the Google search results. My Craigslist ad also appeared on the second page of search results.

Lesson learned: DO NOT use the same ad on ebay and Craigslist. Mix them up a little, just keep the link to your search term and domain intact.

A Little Refinement

Once I changed the Craigslist ad, my ebay ad moved back to the first page for my Google search term after about five days. By the way, the Craigslist ad shows up on page 2 for my Google search term. This is really good news!

Are We There Yet?

Yes, we are there yet, because for a while, my website,, appeared on page 1 at the top of the list for the search term 'home based travel business'. Yes! Type it in at right now to see where it ranks. MSN has put me in the same number one position. Hopefully it hasn't slipped. On the flip side, I think I'm somewhere on page 18 for the same search term on Google, so I'll need to work on getting more links.


  1. Get a domain name related to your business and a popular search term.

  2. Build or purchase a website related to the same search term and use it with your domain name

  3. Write a press release and publish it immediately with links to your new domain.

  4. Write separate ads for ebay and Craigslist, with your search term linked to your domain.

  5. Build links until you get a top ranking for your domain.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Antony Mosley is a distributor for the Global Resorts Network, a seasoned, deep discount luxury resort company in operation since 1986, with a new home based travel business distribution model. You can visit his blog at Feel free to distribute this article as long as the Author section is left intact.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Use Global Resorts Network for Golf Vacations

Did you know that "golf vacation" is one of the most popular search terms online? It just makes good sense. Why pay $150 a day to golf (that's what it is in the Washington, DC area) when you can get a whole week of luxury accomodations AND golf for only $298 to $699 for the whole week and for the whole family?

Here's how to investigate our golf vacation opportunities:
  1. Go to, and click the "Browse..." link in the lower right corner.
  2. Enter login: resort, password: lookfor
  3. Choose a country, and type in the search term golf resort
Now remember, this is just a partial list of the GRN inventory, but I found 15 really nice golf resorts in the US alone.

My newest distributor, Robert Branscomb, is in the golf vacation and sports promotion business, and he gave me this excellent slant on the GRN package. Check out his website at, and give him a call if you'd like.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Get On the Next GRN Webinar

I've attended our online webinar twice, and they are excellent! This is a product specific webinar, which I find very useful for my retail customers as well as affiliates. You can access the GRN webinar signup info. at by clicking the Conference Calls link at the top of the page. I've also set up a link at

Invite as many folks as you can to the webinar. They really are that good.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New GRN Affiliate Site

There's a new affiliate site for Global Resorts Network distributors. You can check out my opportunity site here:

This website is designed and managed by Priceless Possibilities, an online business one stop shop for a number of opportunities. I've used them before with my Profit Masters site for the Emerald Passport opportunity, and their service is pretty good.

Their website designs are very eye catching, and as advanced as you'd like to be when it comes to online marketing. Based on my past experience with Priceless Possibilities, and the quality of the new GRN affiliate site, I can honestly recommend them as a good resource.

Antony Mosley

Friday, June 8, 2007

Get Customers to Sell For You - by Brian Tracy

Why People Buy
Fully 84 percent of sales in America take place as the result of word-of-mouth advertising. Some of the most important sales promotion sales activities are those that take place between customers and prospects, between friends and colleagues, in the form of advice and recommendations on what to buy, or not buy, and who to buy from.

Join the Top 10%
The only way that you can be among the top ten percent of salespeople in your industry is by having your existing customers selling for you on every occasion. Because of the importance of mega-credibility in selling, your customers must be happy to open doors to new customers for you wherever they go.

Never Prospect Again
All top salespeople eventually reach the point where they seldom have to prospect because their customers do much of their selling for them. When you live your life consistent with your personal and business mission statements, both fitting together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, your sales career will soar, as will your sales results and your earnings.

Be Clear About Who You Are
One important point with regard to vision, values and mission statements: be gentle with yourself. It has taken you your whole life to become the person you are today. If you are like everyone else, you are not perfect. You have lots of room to grow and improve. There are many changes that you can make in your character and personality in the course of becoming the excellent human being that you aspire to. But change in your personality will not come easily, and it won't come overnight. You must be patient.

Persist Until Your Succeed
The reason that people grow and become better and better over the course of time, is because they persist gently in the direction of their goals and dreams. They don't expect overnight transformations. When they don't see results immediately, they don't get discouraged. They just keep on keeping on. And you must do the same.

Put Your Ideas Into Action
Once you have a clear idea of the person you want to be and the kind of life and career you want to create, just take the first step. Read your mission statements every day as you go about your activities, think of the different ways that you could practice the virtues and qualities that you are in the process of incorporating into your own personality.

Remember, it is only your actions with regard to other people that really demonstrate the kind of person you have become. And if you persist long enough, you will eventually shape yourself into the exact person that you have imagined.

Action Exercises
First, treat every customer as if he is going to be a great source of word-of-mouth advertising for you. Remember that every person knows about 300 other people.

Second, resolve to become better and better in your dealings with others but be gentle with yourself. Behave every day in every way the best you can be and you will be sure to get results. About Brian Tracy: Brian Tracy is a leading authority on personal and business success. As Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, he is the best-selling author of 17 books and over 300 audio and video learning programs. Copyright © 2001 Brian Tracy International. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Buganvilias Resort Vacation Club

Pure Luxury for 10 cents on the dollar. Save $2686.25 for a one week stay!

Situated in one of Mexico's most popular vacation destinations, (Sheraton) Buganvilias Resort Vacation Club is a sun-soaked delight.

Try parasailing, surfing, deep-sea fishing or boating. The city retains the tropical trappings that made it famous in the film Night of the Iguana.

Guests arrive at a magnificent open-air lobby with breathtaking views of the ocean. Facilities include two heated swimming pools with shallow areas for children, a kids club, two tennis courts, full service spa, fitness center, golf concierge and access to Marina Vallarta and Vista Vallarta Golf courses. A shopping arcade on the hotel's lobby level features a tobacco shop, boutiques, travel agency, beauty parlor, car rental agency and business center. Guest services include concierge and 24-hour room service.

This resort has an entire section which is timeshare only. These ocean view suites are available without a timeshare purchase, but come with a hefty price.


(1 bedroom not available)


For the exact same date/size (1 bedroom oceanview suite ),
our incredible membership rate is.....

ONLY $298 for the entire week/family!

Available right now in HOTWEEKS!

Enjoy Life!

Your GRN Support Team

22601 N. 17th Ave. Suite 230
Phoenix, AZ 85027


P.S.S. According to RCI, this class of resorts
are rated the highest in the areas of resort
amenities, unit amenities, and guest services.

Monday, April 30, 2007

GRN Take Off To Success Call - 11:00 a.m. EST Daily

NEW MORNING CALLS - Starting Monday April 30th

Take Off To Success Call
Dial: (620) 782-8200 Pin: 334050#

Monday-Friday 11:00am Eastern
The feedback has been very positive coming from these calls - now open company wide.
Monday - Thursday 11:00am EST - Members Only
The way that you start your day is usually the way in which the rest of your day goes. This call will get you off on the right track to success… You will hear from leaders in the company and in the direct sales industry that have volunteered their time and talent to make sure we grow as a community, united together for one common goal; make GRN the very best travel business opportunity on the planet. Your participation is highly encouraged as leaders on the team! Monday through Thursday calls are for Members Only and last exactly 15 minutes.
Format for these calls includes the following:
  • Personal development topics
  • Interviewing a top leader on every call
  • Recognizing success in people – bring out people within GRN that are achieving results to tell their story of how and what is working for them in the business…
  • Tips and quote of the day
  • Company business (should there be any news) I call this “Housekeeping”
  • Business management ideas, techniques, and motivation that may consist of:
    • Prospecting
    • The 3-way
    • Staying productive
    • DMO – Daily Method of Operation – basic planning your day events
    • Lead generation and flow
    • Leadership
Friday 11:00am EST - Invite Guests to this call
The way that you start your day is usually the way in which the rest of your day goes. This call will get you off on the right track to success… You will hear from leaders in the company and in the direct sales industry that have volunteered their time and talent to make sure we grow as a community, united together for one common goal; make GRN the very best travel business opportunity on the planet. Friday calls are open to members and your guests, last exactly 30 minutes, and we will be looking for GRN members to jump out on the calls and tell their story, both personal and financial success related, and only as it relates and applies to GRN.
Format for this calls is as following:
  • After introductions and basic call to order, it’s the host’s job to greet the members and welcome all the guests to the call. The call is for the guests, what we call the fence kicking call, where by the members will have time to jump out and tell their story…i.e how GRN has impacted the lives of family and friends, and while the money is great…it’s the ability to stay home with my kids and watch them grow, rather then trading time for money and be stuck in traffic and at a job I hate…thanks Al and Chuck and all the GRN leaders for such a great opportunity…
  • We do this for 25 minutes, and then the host closes the call asking that the guests get back to the person that brought them to the call, get any final questions answered, and then it’s time to make a decision in or out! All this said in a nice a professional manner that will leave a lasting impression on the guests, and as you can imagine our overall objective is to encourage growth and leadership.

    Your GRN Support Team

    G L O B A L R E S O R T S N E T W O R K
    22601 N. 17th Ave. Suite 230
    Phoenix, AZ 85027

Friday, April 27, 2007

Beware Holiday Scams!

Check this out:

This video is from the UK. Your vacation/holiday has probably been a lot like this. Just remember, Don't buy a time share. There is a better way.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Time Share Sales Team and Sales Managers Wanted

Every time I get on a company conference call, I hear from another timeshare sales professional that has joined our team. So I'm being proactive here, and directly inviting you to investigate what we have.

This is the PERFECT exit product for your sales team. In fact, after you get a glimpse of our compensation plan ( you may want to use GRN for more than just an exit product. Go to for the details after you've watched this brief video.

If you do not have a sales team, give me a call, and I will set you up as a one person sales army. I will give you a simple script, and show you how to get 100 time share sales managers to speak with at no cost to you. Call me!

Antony Mosley
703-496-4265, USA, EST

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Time Share Sales Team Wanted

Time Share Sales Team Wanted

Time share sales team wanted for lifetime discount travel package. We have a high quality discount travel package that can get your customers in all of the high end luxury resorts, including Fairfield, Marriott and Disney. Your customer's price: $3,000, with no maintenance or exchange fees ever. Your customers will love you for telling them about this!

Visit http://YourVacationBusiness for details.

Call me!

Antony Mosley
Global Resorts Network Distributor
703-496-4265, EST

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Cabo San Lucas for only $699 per Week !!!

Global Resorts Network Affiliate Update

This just in from GRN.
(Hey... that rhymes)
What an Amazing Deal!

Hello Antony Mosley,

Are you ready for Cabo San Lucas? ...

Pack your bags!

The Grand Baja All Suite Resort & Spa prides itself on its tranquil, secluded atmosphere. With its tropical gardens that skirt around lagoon pools and waterfalls, the resort is a peaceful oasis in the desert landscape of Los Cabos, known as Land's End.

Our cuisine is of a "grand" affair with three gourmet restaurants that offer diners an astounding variety of traditional Mexican, international fusion and home-style Italian
meals prepared with care and served with pride.

A poolside margarita bar quenches your thirst while speedy room service ensures you have plenty of romantic dining options in the privacy of your room.

Comparing the same size unit (one bedroom) and the exact dates, here's what you'll pay for this week in paradise booking through:

Expedia (over $326 per night)

Not Available


Now, imagine getting the exact same "everything" for only $699 for the entire week/family.

Your special membership price saves you nearly $2,000 from just 1 week!

Available right now.


Enjoy Life!

22601 N. 17th Ave. Suite 230
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Don't Buy a Time Share! There Is a Better Way

WARNING: Viewing this information may cause nausea, mild depression and anxiety for current time share owners.

If you are like most time share owners, you've already discovered that your "great deal," according to an enthusiastic time share sales representative, wasn't so great after all. Maintenance fees, condo fees, mortgage payments and horrible resale values have made time share ownership more of a headache than anything else for far too many people.

It's no wonder that terms like "time share resale" and "sell time share" are the most frequently searched terms related to time shares on Just enter "timeshare" at and see for yourself.

These negatives do not change the fact that spending a vacation at a luxury resort is a wonderful upgrade to most hotel stays. I would choose a luxury resort over a hotel any time.

Well here’s the good news. The big players and developers in the time share industry have wised up, and are now spending more energy on lifetime discount travel packages. “What’s that?” you may ask.

A lifetime discount travel package is a membership in a high quality travel club. Membership normally includes luxury resorts, discount cruises, airline tickets and more. These travel packages are in fact timeshare alternatives, because users have the option of staying at a wider variety of resorts without ever worrying about blackout weeks, maintenance fees, property taxes, mortgage payments or timeshare exchange fees.

If you own a timeshare, you are responsible for these fees each and every year, including the years that you don’t travel. Does that seem fair?

A membership with the Global Resorts Network will allow you to book a luxury resort condo, hotel or townhouse online for as little as $298 per week. These are the same luxury resorts you would find on Expedia, Travelocity and Priceline at $1,400 per week on up.

Don’t let the low weekly rates fool you. These are luxury resorts with no time share presentation requirements attached. For recent examples, visit, login: resort, password: movie

It just makes good sense. Don’t buy a time share. Just buy a lifetime discount travel package and travel during as many weeks of the year as you’d like, without the hassles of blackout dates or those never ending timeshare costs.

When you do the math, the difference in ownership costs between a lifetime discount travel package and a time share purchase is staggering. So don’t buy a time share! There is a better way.
Antony Mosley is a distributor for the Global Resorts Network, a proven time share alternative. For more information on the company's product and/or business opportunity, visit

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Timeshare Relief

This is great! So funny, so true.

Don't buy a timeshare. There really is a better way.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Global Resorts Network - Better Than Timeshares

How I Survived a Timeshare Presentation

I went to a Fairview Wyndham Resorts presentation in Alexandria, VA on Monday, and their travel package is very impressive. Their high pressure sales techniques are rather amusing and predictable, and if I were 20 years younger, I would have purchased their timeshare deal just to get them off my back.

It really was the old 'consumer vs. high pressure sales folks' battlefield in there. The Alexandria, VA Fairfield sales office is very classy. They give you coffee, soda, lots of donuts - they have the high powered pop music playing over the sound system, and so I, as a consumer, am set up for defeat. These guys are mega sales professionals.

However, I learned a LOT about the timeshare business first hand. This was very valuable information. I went through four managers, on account of my four refusals to purchase, and the final offer was, of course, their best. I think it was down to $14,000 or so with 684,000 points. But even with their best deal at $14K, I would still be responsible for:

1. 10% down
2. Mortgage of $247/mo, for about five years
3. Condo Fee of $35/mo.
4. Maintenance Fee of $80/mo.

That's $1,400 cash up front, and then $362/mo for five years or so. After the mortgage is paid off, I'm still responsible for upwards of $115/mo. for the rest of my ownership. So that's $4,344 in my first year of ownership, even if I don't take a vacation that year.

And there's one more detail: A $90 fee to book a week out of the Fairfield network via RCI.

With GRN, my first year of ownership would cost $3,700 at the most. That's $3,000 for a lifetime membership, and $298 to $699 for a one week stay at Star Island in Orlando. The photos at the website really don't do the place justice. This is one fabulous resort that they push at Fairfield, because everyone loves it.

GRN has it, too, for only $298 to $699 per week!

So here's a little breakdown of GRN vs. my Fairfield Wyndham Resorts offer:

Two year cash cost of Fairfield Wyndham Resorts: $10,008 (even if I don't take a vacation)
Two year cash cost of GRN: $4,393 (assuming I take a one week vacation at $699 each year)

Third year cash cost of Fairfield: $4,344 (with no vacation that year)
Third year cash cost of GRN: $699 (with one vacation that year, or $0 with no vacation)

These scenarios are based on my taking the $699 GRN membership vacation, but it is far more likely that I will be taking the $298 vacations. That's what most of the GRN members seem to like. They are very, very cool. Even if our $298 deal is for a one bedroom unit, customer service will upgrade us if they can to a two bedroom at the same price. We routinely have very nice two and three bedroom condos and townhomes at $298 per week. Take a look for yourself at, login: resort, password: movie. Be sure to click on the HotWeek Movie when you log in.

My recommendation: If you are serious about your GRN business, go to a timeshare presentation. Your eyes will be opened. Besides, you might be able to recruit some of those high pressure sales folks for your GRN team. GRN requires no pressure at all. Just common sense.

Send me an email and I will give you my Fairfield contact. He's in the Philippines, and he will make $100 just for your attending, so I'd like to help him out of I can. Fairfield really loads you up on free gifts, too.

GRN really is better than timeshares.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Browse the Global Resorts Registry

Click the link in the lower right corner of our website to "Browse the Global Resorts Registry".

Login: vacation
Password: lookfor

Friday, March 9, 2007

Global Resorts Network Tour

Here's a great way to share the Global Resorts Network membership site without giving your login and password to prospects. If anyone asks for your login and password, DON'T DO IT... just send them this great video.

The best way to show the GRN membership!
login: resort
password: movie

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How to Become a Network Marketing / MLM Heavy Hitter

"You have to love what you do to fully devote yourself to it and to make it in a big time way." Donald Trump in his new book Trump 101.

These words are so true. If you're ready to start a career in network marketing or multi level marketing, you should feel passionate about your business in order to "make it in a big-time way." But with that passion, you need the nuts and bolts of what to do.

There is more than enough information online on what you should do, so I've distilled what I've learned into the seven basic areas you see here. Don't let the small size of this article fool you; you are about to embark on something very big; MLM heavy hitter status.

1. Choose the right product. If you wouldn’t sell the product to your mother or brother, then drop it. You need to feel truly enthusiastic about your product or service. The product you represent should be very desirable online and offline, and with or without an attached business opportunity.

2. Become a people person. No matter what your personality is, you can always improve on your people skills. This doesn’t mean you have to smile at every waking minute; you just need to focus a little on what makes other people tick. That’s it. You’re an instant people person.

3. Advertise smart. Attract people. Don't chase them. Learn all you can about search engine optimization, article syndication, and online videos and infomercials.

Online videos consistently outsell even the best articles and sales letters by a margin of three to one. On top of that, your video will score a very high ranking in Google if you write your video comments correctly.

You don’t have to create fantastic video productions; a simple slide show with a little music and your voice would be a very effective starting point. Remember, You are the Person of the Year according to Time Magazine.

Newspaper classified ads are still very good. Just remember, the first thing the reader wants to know is "What's in it for me?" Write your ads accordingly, and keep your presentation simple when respondents call you. Always use a nice image and the same thinking when you write an ad for

4. Recruit professional sales people. Use your new powers of search engine optimization and classified ads for good, and recruit high quality sales people and entrepreneurs for your opportunity. Just think about it; they love selling. It’s in their blood.

If you can present a valuable product with a powerful pay plan, they will line up at your door. The product you represent should be very desirable online and offline, and with or without an attached business opportunity. (Yes, I repeated myself.)

Let your sales professionals and entrepreneurs put your product in the hands of happy end users, and the multi level marketing aspects of your opportunity will take over from there. Vonage, Mary Kay and Avon are perfect examples of this; Their satisfied customers become the best sales people.

5. Choose a high tier opportunity. By high tier I mean an opportunity requiring a $2,000 or $3,000 startup cost. These programs also pay out large and fast commissions. Many high tier opportunities allow you to earn your way in if you’re on a tight budget.

The smaller priced opportunities are good, but you need to recruit dozens of people to make your first $1,000, and the $100 autoship costs add up pretty fast. The high tier programs will pay you $1,000 with only one or two customers.

The larger commissions of higher tier programs will also attract all the right sales professionals and entrepreneurs, and you absolutely must have them on your team to become a network marketing heavy hitter.

6. Make your success easy to duplicate. Teach your down line to do and say what you do and say, and keep what you do and say very simple. If you keep it simple, the longevity of your organization is virtually guaranteed. Conversely, if everyone begins to improvise, your team will become distracted, and your downline will begin to dwindle.

Everyone in your sales organization will do much better with a duplicatable system. McDonald’s has been teaching us this for years.

7. Sell your product to end users. For example, if you tell the folks sitting next to you on the beach that you only spent $300 for a whole week in one of the town’s most luxurious resorts, their wet hair will stand straight up. That’s how we as humans work. We’re excited when we hear about a good deal, and we always want to know more.

So that's it. You can become a network marketing or MLM heavy hitter in a relatively short time with this advice. I hope you will use this advice to change your financial life in the very near future.
About the Author:

Antony Mosley is a distributor for the Global Resorts Network. He uses online videos and online infomercials for promoting the Global Resorts Network business opportunity and discount travel package. You may visit his team blog at Feel free to use this article, as long as the About area is left intact.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Global Resorts Network Video

Here's my second video. I made it using Windows Movie Maker, and this one took substantially less time to put together. I also purchased a bunch of royalty free music on ebay for only $33. Good music goes a long way in video. Using Traffic Geyser is pretty easy, too. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Global Resorts Network Video

It's here! I've finally put together my own video using Windows Movie Maker, which is free in Windows XP. The Traffic Geyser deal really is the best. Check out my video:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Global Resorts Network Testimonial Line

Hi, Team

We have a new product testimonial line. This will be very useful in selling the product. That's where the real money will be made. Why? Because a satisfied customers will gladly tell others about their great deal, which means more sales for you. That's why it's very important to have your own domain; a domain that the customer can remember. I have a bunch!

Here's the new testimonial number:


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Global Resorts Network Startup Instructions, Part II

Hello, Team!

Here is round 2 of my startup instructions. The first instruction set was geared toward offline classified ads, and it has worked very well for me with online classifieds as well, specifically with the Sales Jobs listings on So here we go for round 2.
  1. If you haven't already done so, click the Join link at, and sign up as a GRN Affiliate. You will get a replicated website just like mine right away.
  2. Purchase a domain from They're only $9 or so for the year, and a personal domain looks much better on business cards or classified ads. Read their instructions or call their customer support for information on forwarding your affiliate link to your new domain.
  3. If you're on the fence regarding purchasing the GRN Platinum package vs. signing up as a free affiliate, go ahead and buy your GRN membership. If you don't, you will lose the residuals from your first sale forever. Conversely, if you purchase your GRN Platinum membership you will not lose residuals on any sale after your first sale. Believe me, it's a miserable feeling when you consider the math.
  4. Start advertising your website today. If you're on a budget, use the free or paid ads.
  5. If you want to sell our memberships and recruit affiliates like crazy, follow the instructions in my previous blog posts regarding online videos and online infomercials.
  6. If you have purchased your Platinum package, you will shortly receive an email message from David Jumper and/or Ken Wells. These guys have earned over $115K in the first month of Global Resorts Network, and they're available for three way calls if you would like to use them. They will supply you with a list of high quality leads, as they've been in the lead generation business for nine years or so. Their website is
That's it for now. I'll keep you updated on my progress with online videos.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Internet Infomercials Insider

On August 1, 1981, John Lack, a cable television pioneer spoke these words off camera, "Ladies and gentlemen...Rock and roll!" and forever transformed the music industry.

Music Television--MTV--debuted for the American public.

This brief introduction was immediately followed by the music video clip "Video Killed the Radio Star," featuring a band called the Buggles.

The title proved somewhat prophetic as MTV greatly transformed the nature of the music industry stardom over the next several years.

Those artists who embraced the new technology flourished even if their music was LOUSY.

Record sales exploded.


One simple word.


Even though the early MTV videos were incredibly amateurish (long hair, Spandex & smoke machines!) the technology had reached a point where combining music with a VISUAL (video) was an affordable means of promoting the music. Video became the premiere PROMOTIONAL vehicle for music, and MTV, the ultimate destination for pop culture.

Fast forward 25 years and we contend we're at a similar crossroads regarding video and Internet marketing.

The technology has reached a point where it is affordable AND practical for the common man or woman to promote their business, products and services online with video.

We believe it is the most powerful promotional force EVER placed in the grasp of small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Why should YOU be using Internet video to get YOUR message out into the world?

One simple word.


During April, Google Video added more than 12.5 million registered users. (Source: The Washington Post).

YouTube currently serves more than 50 million videos per day to 6 million users. (Source: YouTube Fact Sheet).

And more than 170 video portals have come online in just the past few months. (Source: Business 2.0 Magazine)

The Internet, version 2.0 is here and the majority of businesses don't even know it yet. It is called Internet TV--video infomercials.

But you know it. You're one of the few who get it. And if you want to know how to leverage the new Internet and change your business life forever, watch the video gift we sent you when you subscribed.

We call it "Internet Infomercials 101--An Introduction to Creating Online Commercials That Sell Your Product, Service, Book, Seminar, Subscriptions, Memberships or YOU Online More Effectively Than Any Sales Letter, Audio Message or Other Technique You've Ever Seen!"

First, sign up at our website for a free report on internet infomercials:

Go here to watch it now:

If you like what you see so far, check out our new video gift:

Go to:

You can contact us from this website. When asked, be sure to tell us that you heard of us through

If you are marketing online or want to build your dream Internet business, you need to watch these presentations.

This is the right time.

You are in the right place.

Now...Seize the Moment!

Best Regards,

Michael Koenigs & Rocket Helstrom

Monday, February 5, 2007

Never Quit: A Lesson from The Apprentice

Blog Image
by Donald Trump

I was shocked after a recent task on The Apprentice, when a candidate resigned instead of taking her chances in the boardroom. After having a tough time as project manager - and knowing her teammates certainly didn’t like her - Michelle threw in the towel and quit.

I was amazed that she would throw away such an opportunity. She had a chance at catapulting into the business spotlight, a chance at a high-profile job in a high-powered corporation. Yet, she chose to throw it all away.

It’s a business lesson I teach over and over again: “Never, ever give up. Never quit. You can never be successful if you give up.”

In this case, Michelle had plenty of excuses. She said her Apprentice experience wasn’t what she had signed up for. She didn’t expect to be on a losing team, living in tents in the rain. She said the negative adventure just wasn’t worth it to her.

Had she gone to the boardroom, she probably would’ve been fired. But I would have had much more respect for her had she taken her chances and fought for her job than just give up. But she didn’t even try. She conceded defeat without a struggle, without a whimper.

It takes strong people to succeed in business. And if you quit, you don’t stand a chance.
# # #
The wisdom of Donald J. Trump, Chairman of Trump University, can be found in all Trump University courses, including The 10 Commandmants of Branding.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

How to Create Your Own Infomercials

Here it is! Another tool that will get our Global Resorts Network team off to a fast start.

You already know the selling power of infomercials. Now you can shoot your own internet infomercial! Even better, you can distribute them online for free.

The possibilities are endless. The owners of this company are going to set up specialized training for us. Stay in touch!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You have GOT to watch the video in this email I just got from GRN Support. It's powerful.


Hello, Antony Mosley

We have a Special Call tonight, Wednesday January 31st at 10PMEastern (7PM PST). 620- 782-8200 Pin: 334050#

Jeffery Combs will be speaking on tonight's GRN Conference Call. Be sure to attend. If you do not know who Jeffery Combs is, watch this sample video with Jeffery Combs:

Best Regards,

Your GRN Support Team
7047 E. Greenway Parkway Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Sunday, January 14, 2007

GRN Fast Start Instructions

Hello, New GRN Members!

I've put together these simple steps to get your Global Resorts Network business off to a fast start. Here's the good news: You will not have to become a sales genius to be widly successful in this business, but your success is virtually guaranteed if you recruit professional sales people who already love the art of selling.

Find just a few quality people in your area to market and sell the product, and the networking will take care of itself. Remember, the product has been selling very well over the last 20 years at $10,000 per membership. You're trying to find new affiliates to sell it at $3,000 per membership. This should be pretty easy for the professionals in your area.

So here we go.

1. Familiarize yourself with the product. You know it's true; facts tell and stories sell. You need a great story regarding a huge discount at a luxury resort. Even if you haven't had time to take a trip yourself, you can point to a few really nice places exclusively available to GRN members at $298 per week.

Take a look at our team's product movie at, login: resort, password: movie. Feel free to share this video with your prospects as well.

It also helps to just read everything on our websites, and to get on at least three conference calls per week. I have a site ( as well as the original GRN affiliate site ( Both websites have the full conference call schedule, as well as links and/or phone numbers to recorded testimonials. These are extremely useful!

One of my favorite features of the GRN System site is their daily webinars. Click the Conference Call link at to sign up for the next webinar. These webinars are product specific; they do not include information on the business opportunity, and I love it that way!

The GRN comparison emails that we get each week are great for doing this as well. The GRN emails will itemize the prices for a specified luxury resort at, Travelocity, Priceline and a few others, always at four figures per week, compared to our member's price of only $298 for the same week. These are genuinely excellent deals!

2. Place a classfied ad in the Jobs section of a large circulation newspaper. The ad should go something like this:
Sales and Marketing Leadership
Do you enjoy travel? If you can
develop travel related leads, follow
up and close, we will pay you well.
If you can teach a small force of
five or six sales professionals the
same, we will pay you substantially
more. 100% commission opportunity,
unlimited income, weekly paychecks,
with residuals you would have to
see to believe! Get the details at, and
then give me a call. 703-555-1212.

3. Interview sales professionals. The sales professionals that call you will more than likely be very excited about the opportunity. However, they want to feel good about the company and about you. Here's what you can say after your initial 'Hellos':

GRN Affiliate: Well, the Global Resorts Network has sold lifetime discount luxury resort memberships over the last 20 years for $10,000 each. We've just introduced an affiliate program, and have dropped the price to $3,000, so we know this will be really big.
[You've just repeated what they hopefully already know. This is all you need to say initially. ]

GRN Affiliate: Question 1. So how long have you been in sales?

Sales Professional: "Oh I've been in sales for...."

[Your job at this point is to listen actively. That means little words like "I understand", "So you mean...", or "That took a lot of courage". It's good manners, and it just shows that you care about what the sales professional is saying. Listen actively after each of the remaining questions.]

GRN Affiliate:

Question 2. How have you developed leads in the past? [Listen]

Question 3. How would you develop travel related leads? [Listen carefully, and when it's your turn to speak, tell them your great travel deal story. This will give them confidence in their own ability to promote our membership.]

Question 4. Have you ever trained other sales people? [Listen]

After this question, be sure to tell them "Our online presentation and conference calls will actually do most of the training for you. For that matter, our online presentation can do most of the retail selling for you. When you become an affiliate, you actually get two websites; one with, and one without the business opportunity information."]

Question 5. If you were to start with GRN today, how long do you think it would take you to earn your first $20,000? [Listen]

Question 6. Have you seen our pay plan? [If No, refer them to, but keep them on the phone]

Question 7. As you may know, purchasing a GRN membership is not required for you to become an affiliate. [This is an important legal statement, especially if you're advertising in the widely circulated newspapers].

However, if you are serious about this opportunity, purchasing your own membership makes the commission structure much more favorable for you for the short term and long term.

[The conversation will go substantially smoother if you leave an explanation of the pay plan out of it. Just refer them to the movie again. A picture is worth a thousand, or a million, words.]

Question 8. How would you like to join the Global Resorts Network?

Their answer: Free Affiliate, Paid Affiliate, or Not Now. If they want to join, just refer them back to your website. If they've already signed up as a free affiliate and are now ready to upgrade, tell them to log into their back office and complete the purchase details online. If they're at a computer, walk them through the process of signing up on your website while you're on the phone with them.

If the answer is Not Now, give them the number for our live or recorded calls, reminding them that the live Q&A sessions are on Mondays and Wednesdays. You may also invite them to browse our online inventory. Be sure to get their email address and phone number for following up later. After giving them the phone numbers, you should say:

GRN Affiliate: Take a few minutes to watch our pay plan at, and be sure to get on tonight's conference call. Is it alright if I call you back after tonight's conference call? [If it's Friday or the weekend, give them the recorded number, and ask if you can call them after they've listened to it.]

Here are the phone numbers.

503-445-8567 (24 hour recorded call).

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 PM EST (7:00 PST)
620-782-8200 PIN: 334050#


Call them back as soon as possible, ideally the same day. After your initial 'Hellos', here's what you can say.

GRN Affiliate: Well, you've seen our system. If you can point folks to your movie, and get your sales trainees on our conference calls, you're in business. Would you like to join today?

Sales Professional: Yes!

GRN Affiliate: Great! Are you at a computer now? [If yes, you should say...] Go back to my website and I'll walk you through everything right now.

If the sales professional says 'No', then tell them:

GRN Affiliate: I understand how you feel. Why not do this: Go back to my website, sign up as a free affiliate, and tell two or three of your colleagues or potential customers about GRN. I would be more than glad to pay you a $100 referral fee for pointing them in my direction, and it won't cost you a dime. Would that be OK?

Sales Professional: Sure!

GRN Affiliate: Ok. Here's how to do it. Go back to my website at [Give them your corporate link or domain that points directly to your /biz link. Walk them through the website while you have them on the phone if possible]

When you get there, click the Join Now link and choose Option 1 to join as a free affiliate. Choose a user name that's easy for folks to remember, enter your info., and you're done. When you find a customer that wants to buy, just refer them to, and give them your user ID. When they click Join Now at the corporate site, and then enter your user ID, you will be credited with the sale indirectly, I will be notified of the sale, and then I will then send you a $100 referral fee. How's that?

Sales Professional: Sounds great. I'll do that.


So that's it. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It really, really is. Bookmark my blog and refer back to these instructions as often as you'd like. Be sure to email the link for this blog entry to each and every one of your GRN affiliates.

If you have a script for Mary Kay and Avon folks that may want to give themselves a raise, please let me know. GRN would work perfectly in the home business party world. Send me your script, and if I use it, I'll post it here with your link. All feedback is welcome.

If you'd like to join my team, just visit my GRN corporate website at and sign up today. We are at the start of something really big!

Antony Mosley
globalresorts411 at yahoo dot com